General API Overview

The APIs in this section provide location and resource information for assets used to monitor parking occupation, pedestrian movements, indoor positioning that identifies how people typically move through a monitored space (such as an office floorplan), public safety, traffic flow, and environmental factors such as illuminance, occupancy, and temperature.

Each general API provides HREFs to additional data in the response details. You need to run one or more of the APIs in this section before using the Intelligent Cities and Intelligent Enterprises APIs, which match the use cases. Each use case is described in its individual subsection.

  • Timestamp values use UTC, not local time.
  • For simulated data, the device-type is SIMDATA; for real data, the device-type is NODE.
  • As the amount of simulated data is increased, developers (or users) will be notified by GE by updates to the online help.
  • To get the GE identifier for the device, use the Get List of Assets API.
Table 1. Simulated Data Stream Information for Each API
Simulated Data Stream Bounding Box Sample Request URI Range and Frequency
PEDESTRIAN 32.715675:-117.161230,32.708498:-117.151681 <production url>/v1/assets/1000000027/live-events?event-types=SFIN, SFOUT Streaming message intervals are between 15 to 25 seconds.

Data includes the last 24 hours.

Estimate 500 messages per node per day. (3 nodes)

TRAFFIC 32.715675:-117.161230,32.708498:-117.151681 <production url>/v1/assets/1000000018/events?event-types=TFEVT&start-ts=1453766605577&end-ts=1453772603879&size=10&page=1 Streaming message intervals are between 5 to 40 seconds.

Data includes the last 24 hours.

Estimate 3400 messages per node per day. (9 nodes)

PARKING 32.715675:-117.161230,32.708498:-117.151681 <production url>/v1/assets/1000000018/live-events?event-types=PKIN, PKOUT Car In and Car Out range between 15 to 45 minutes.

Data includes the last 24 hours.

Estimate about 70 messages per node per day. (9 nodes)

PUBLIC-SAFETY 32.715675:-117.161230,32.708498:-117.151681 <production url/v1/assets/1000000018/media?media-types=IMAGE&start-ts=1453832741281&end-ts=1453832741281&size=1&page=1 This is an event base request for IMAGE, VIDEO, or AUDIO. Total count per day may vary.

Data includes the last 24 hours. Data interval is hourly.

  • Dwell Time
  • Path
  • Position
32.715675:-117.161230,32.708498:-117.151681 Three URIs:

<production url>/v1/locations/1000000106/analytics?analytic-names=DWLZONE&analytic-categories=DWELL_TIME&start-ts=1461171600000&end-ts=1461256935323

<production url>/v1/locations/1000000106/analytics?analytic-names=PTHDVCE&analytic-categories=PATH&start-ts=1461171600000&end-ts=1461256935323

<production url>/v1/locations/1000000106/analytics?analytic-names=HTMPXY&analytic-categories=POSITION&start-ts=1461171600000&end-ts=1461256935323

VLC coordinates are generated between 8 AM – 6 PM UTC every day. Therefore, all the analytics work during this time range.

Simulated data is kept up to 1 week.

  • Light Level
  • Occupancy
  • Temperature
32.715675:-117.161230,32.708498:-117.151681 Three URIs:

<production url>/v1/assets/1000000503/events?event-types=LIGHT_LEVEL&start-ts=1461517200000&end-ts=1461689922665&size=2

<production url>/v1/assets/1000000018/events?event-types=OCCUPANCY&start-ts=1453766605577&end-ts=1453772603879&size=10&page=1

<production url>/v1/assets/1000000503/events?event-types=TEMP&start-ts=1453766605577&end-ts=1453772603879&size=10&page=1

Sensors generate an Occupancy event every 1 minute, if there is occupancy.

Sensors generate Temperature and Light Level events every 15 minutes.

Simulated data is kept up to 1 week.