Get Historical Dwell Time API

The Historical Dwell Time API measures the total amount of time per the device for the “session of dwelling” within a department or zone.

Dwell times are calculated based on the entrance and exit of departments or zones, enabling the triggering of actions.

URI: <production url>/v1/locations
SAMPLE URI: <production url>/v1/locations/1000000106/analytics?analytic-names=DWLZONE&analytic-categories=DWELL_TIME&start-ts=1461171600000&end-ts=1461256935323

Query Parameters

Parameter Description Required? Values
id GE identifier for a location Yes 1000000106
  • For Dwell Time by Zone, the dwell zone.
  • For Dwell Time by Device, the dwell device.
  • For Dwell Time by Zone, a String, such as DWLZONE.
  • For Dwell Time by Device, a String, such as DWLDVCE.
analytic-categories For both Dwell Time by Zone and Dwell Time by Device, the dwell time. Yes. A String, such as DWELL_TIME.
start-ts Start time in milliseconds. Yes Number, with a value such as 1459148400000.
end-ts End time in milliseconds. Yes Number, with a value such as 1459212163672.

Response Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required? Description
analyticName String Yes Either DWLZONE or DWLDVCE
properties String Yes Identifies the dwell time either by zone or by device:
  • For ZONE, the zone and time spent in that zone are given, expressed as a string. For example, "Zone-4": 214 specifies that 214 seconds were spent in zone 4
  • For DEVICE, the following information is provided:
    • DEVICE-ID: Unique identifier established by a customer or external resource for the asset monitoring the location. For example, "P_2".
    • SESSION-ID: ID of the specific session, expressed as an alphanumeric string such as 30b9bad8-3da9-4bbb-9202-1f41fcdc5ee4.
    • SESSION-START: Time the session started, expressed in seconds as a LONG number, such as 1461175225469.
    • SESSION-END: Time the session ended, expressed in seconds as a LONG number, such as 1461175510880.
    • DWELLTIME-BY-DEPARTMENT: Time spent in a particular zone. For example, "Zone-3": 107, specifies that 107 seconds were spent in zone 3.

Sample Response for Dwell Time by Zone

  "analyticCategory": "DWELL_TIME",
  "analyticName": "DWLZONE",
  "properties": {
    "": 721,
    "Zone-4": 214,
    "Zone-3": 407,
    "Zone-2": 305,
    "Zone-1": 400,
    "Zone-5": 14,
    "Entry-Exit": 68

Sample Response for Dwell Time by Device

"analyticCategory": "DWELL_TIME",
"analyticName": "DWLDVCE",
"properties": [
"device-id": "P_2",
"session-id": "30b9bad8-3da9-4bbb-9202-1f41fcdc5ee4",
"sesion-start": 1461175225469,
"session-end": 1461175235469,
"dwelltime-by-department": {
"Entry-Exit": 3
"device-id": "P_2",
"session-id": "b4c3d1b9-dde1-40a4-9018-6503d453d53c",
"sesion-start": 1461175395880,
"session-end": 1461175510880,
"dwelltime-by-department": {
"": 19,
"Entry-Exit": 2
"device-id": "P_2",
"session-id": "73862707-1556-47a7-96f8-494ece2b8831",
"sesion-start": 1461173320786,
"session-end": 1461174840786,
"dwelltime-by-department": {
"": 84,
"Zone-3": 107,
"Zone-2": 28,
"Zone-1": 65,
"Entry-Exit": 4