Get Locations URIs

This API returns the endpoints related to Intelligent Environments locations, including query parameters to search for locations within defined boundaries.
Note: Currently, we only support the "AND" condition at the search type level.
Request URI <production url>/v1/locations

Response Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required? Description
_links object Yes Links for executing operations on any location.
self link Yes The URL for this API.
search link Yes A URL template to search locations using the query parameters listed below. For information on using the query parameters, see Get List of Locations.
Query to search by location-type. For example, q=location-type:PARKING_SPOT;PARKING_ZONE%20AND%20 location-uid:UID_123;UID456
The bounded area for your search, identified by GPS coordinates.
Maximum number of records to return per page; if none specified, the default is used automatically.
Indicates the page number; default is 1.
search-analytics link Yes Future feature to be documented at a later date.
live-analytics link Yes Future feature to be documented at a later date.

Sample Response

  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "/locations"
    "search": {
      "href": "/locations/search{?q,bbox,page,size}",
      "templated": true
    "search-analytics": {
      "Future Features"
    "live-analytics": {
      "Future Features"