Get Temperature API

The Temperature API provides ambient temperature data for a specified asset. Temperature is measured in degrees Celsius and the range is -273.15 degrees C to 327.67 degrees C.

Use the following URL method structure to retrieve historical ambient temperature data for a selected asset.

URI: <production url>/v1/assets/{id}/events?event-types=TEMP(start-ts,end-ts,size,page)
SAMPLE URI: <production url>/v1/assets/1000000540/events?event-types=TEMP&start-ts=1453766605577&end-ts=1453772603879&size=10&page=1

Query Parameters

Parameter Description Required? Values
id GE identifier for an asset. Yes For example, 1000000540.
event-types Filter by type of event. Yes Temperature expressed as a string, such as TEMP.
start-ts Start timestamp in milliseconds. Yes Numerical value, such as 1461517200000.
end-ts End timestamp in milliseconds. Yes Numerical value, such as 1461689922665.
page Page number. No Numerical value, such as 1.
size Maximum number of records per page. If no size is specified, the default limit applies. No Numerical value, such as 2.

Response Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required? Description
_embedded Object Yes Time (seconds) spent in a particular zone.
events Array Yes List of events.
….measures Array Yes Provides the following values:
  • tag: TEMP
  • value: 16.174
  • unit: Celsius
….event-uid String Yes Unique identifier established by a customer or external resource for the event. In this example, value is null.
….timestamp Number Yes Actual timestamp when event occurred, such as 1461648646658.
….event-types String Yes Type of event recorded, such as TEMP.
….device-uid String Yes Unique identifier established by a customer or external resource, such as Sensor_250_200.
….location-uid String Yes Unique identifier established by a customer or external resource for a specific location within the monitored area, such as 1000000106.
_links Object Yes HREFs related to this specific node.
  • self: Link to the asset details using the GE identifier. See the Get Asset Details section for information on obtaining additional data.
  • next page: HREFs to navigate the result set using paging.
page Object Yes Pageable information satisfying the search filter.
….size Number No Maximum number of records to return per page, such as 2.
….totalElements Number No Total number of elements, such as 45.
….totalPages Number No Total number of pages, such as 23.
….number Number No Indicates the page number displayed when returned. Default value is 0.

Sample Response

  "_embedded": {
    "events": [
        "properties": {},
        "measures": [
            "tag": "TEMP",
            "value": 16.174,
            "unit": "Celsius"
        "event-uid": null,
        "timestamp": 1461648646658,
        "event-type": "TEMP",
        "device-uid": "Sensor_250_200",
        "location-uid": "1000000106"
        "properties": {},
        "measures": [
            "tag": "TEMP",
            "value": 15.9227,
            "unit": "Celsius"
        "event-uid": null,
        "timestamp": 1461650458290,
        "event-type": "TEMP",
        "device-uid": "Sensor_250_200",
        "location-uid": "1000000105"
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": ""
    "next-page": {
      "href": ""
  "page": {
    "size": 2,
    "totalElements": 45,
    "totalPages": 23,
    "number": 0