Quick Start with Predix and Security

About this task

Use this topic to get started creating a security service using Predix.

  1. Sign up with Predix.IO. If you are a Hackathon Participant, you have a Predix Basic user account.
  2. Deploy the Deploy Hello World App.
  3. Subscribe to predix-uaa and Intelligent Environment (IE) services through the Predix Catalog
  4. Bind the UAA and IE services to Hello Worldcf bind-service <your_app_name> <service_instance_name>
  5. Update the OAuth2 Client to Use Your Service Instance
    • Make sure you provide the IE services oauth-scope in the scope and authorities from “step 10- In the Request field, note the following” when using the Predix Starter Kitto generate the client_id, client_secret and token.
    • To retrieve the oauth-scope, use this command:cf env <your_app_name>
    • Enter the oauth-scope when generating the client token
    • Now, you can start making Predix API calls using the token you just created.
    • In the Traffic Seed App, get the token based on your setting in the manifest.yml file. See Readme for more details.
  6. If you are using the Traffic Seed App, you also need to create a user and associate the user to a group for the login page.